
一、產品介紹 本產本是根據燒烤油煙的特性研發、生產的一種新型式燒烤油煙凈化器,本產品的凈化原理采用了目前國際***的燒烤油煙處理技術。二、設備用途 設備主要用于燒烤油煙排放的凈化治理。三、工作原理  油煙經過煙罩及排風管道,由進風口經過金屬過濾網油煙被阻擋均分流進入電場極板,在靜電高壓電場作用下,油煙顆粒被荷電,帶荷電油粒,通過靜電高壓電場時向收集電極板聚集,從油煙氣中被分離,微小的油煙顆粒在自身重力作用下附到集體的油盤上通過排油閥門排出。One、Product introductionThe production of this is based on a new type barbecue smoke purifier of R & D, production ofbarbecue fume, purification principle of this product using the barbecue cooking fume treatment technology at present international most advanced.Two、Application of the equipmentThe equipment is mainly used for purification of oil smoke exhaust governance barbecue.Three、Working principleAfter being treated by the exhaust duct, is composed of an air inlet through the metal filter smokeblocked were streaming into the field plate, in the electrostatic high voltage electric field, fumeparticles are charged with electric charge, oil particle, by electrostatic high voltage electric field to the collecting electrode plates gathered, is separated from the oil smoke, soot particles tinyattached to collective pan through oil discharge valve discharge under the self gravity action.

一、產品介紹“藍謙牌”靜電復合式油霧凈化器設備具有過載保護、缺相保護、漏電保護等功能。高壓電源具有電場打火自動斷電保護功能。設備運行穩定、易操作。二、產品用途適用于CNC數控車床、清洗機、外圓、平面磨床、滾齒、銑床和插齒機床、真空泵、噴霧試驗室、電火花加工、數控加工中心等工作場所產生的油霧汽體進行凈化器處理和儲存的處理。三、工作原理A、吸入和霧狀物和粉塵進入油霧過濾器首先與慣性碰撞板下撞后 落下,由一次過濾器將大顆粒的霧狀物除去。B、進入二、三次過濾器的小顆粒霧裝物在葉輪的作用下粗粒化,提高下一步濾網的過濾效果。C、三次過濾網為高效濾網,能較好的濾去細小的油霧。四、設備好處機床油霧凈化器能將機床切削時所霧化的那部分乳化劑回收再利用,降低其損耗。具體的回收效益數據,要看機床產生霧狀物的程度,一般來說,霧狀物的濃度越高,回收效益越好。油霧直接排放在空調車間內,會降低并損害空調能效,大幅增加空調使用費用;如果將油霧排向室外,不僅會破壞環境(影響企業的社會形象,還又可能被環保部門處罰),而且有可能制造火災隱患,導致財產的意外損失等等;One、Product introduction"Him blue card" electrostatic composite type oil mist purifier device with overload protection, phase lack protection, leakage protection function. High voltage power supply with electric spark automaticpower-off protection function. Equipment operation is stable, easy to operate.Two、The purpose of the productDealing with the application of oil mist vapour on the CNC CNC lathe, cleaning machine, cylindrical,surface grinder, milling machine, hobbing and shaping machine, vacuum pump, spray test chamber,EDM, CNC machining centers and other places of work to produce cleaner processing and storage.Three、Working principleA, inhalation and mist and dust to enter the oil mist filter firstly and inertial impaction plate hit after the fall, by the first filter will mist removal of large particles.B, into small particles of fog two or three filter packages in the impeller under the action of the coarse grain, improving the result of filtering the next screen.C, three filters for efficient filter, can be better to filter the fine oil mist.Four、Equipment advantageMachine tool oil mist purifier can be recovered part of the emulsifier atomization machine toolcutting reuse, reduce the loss. Benefits of recycling concrete data, to see the machine produce mistdegree, generally speaking, the higher the concentration of mist, recovery efficiency and better. Oil mist discharge directly in air conditioning workshop, will be reduced and damage the air-conditioning energy efficiency, a substantial increase in the use of air conditioning costs; if the oil mist to outside, will not only damage the environment (affects the social image, also may be the environmental protection departments punishment), but also have the possibility to manufacture fire hidden trouble, resulting in property loss accident;

一、設備介紹   本凈化器是一款專為工業廢氣專業處理車間因生產產生的煙塵及輕質顆粒而設計的一體化凈化裝置。設備核心部件主要采用活性炭吸附凈化裝置和靜電吸附,既能有效去除廢氣中的有害物質和污染顆粒等,又能降解各種異味和各種含金屬加工廠生產出的有毒有害氣體。二、工作原理   設備有進氣口和出氣口兩端。需生產廢氣經進氣口進入中效過濾網板內,煙塵廢氣中的部分煙塵或顆粒先有過濾網板過濾攔截,而后煙塵廢氣進入板框式一級蜂窩活性炭過濾器進行初效過濾及吸附。此時,大部分的大顆粒較重的粉塵被過濾至板框過濾器表面,其他含有細微顆粒的異味型氣體從板框過濾器的內表面經活性炭層層過濾后由另一外表面排出,匯合后進入板框式二級蜂窩活性炭過濾器進行高效過濾、吸附及深度凈化。此時,大部分的微小顆粒及粉塵被過濾至板框過濾器表面,未處理完的異味性氣體從板框過濾器的內表面經活性炭層層過濾后由另一外表面排出至出風口。板框式活性炭過濾器采用二級串聯處理方式,有效的擴大了廢氣同活性炭接觸面積的同時很大程度的提高了廢氣吸附及凈化效果,再由高壓靜電吸附進行處理。設備內部的初效過濾網板固定在設備的進風口位置,板框過濾器采用抽屜式設計,同時設有檢修門,打開可清理、清洗或更換板框過濾器。板框過濾器安裝在特制的框架上,由若干活性炭蜂窩海綿組成一個過濾單元,形成多級凈化單元,再由若干單元拼裝成化學過濾段。板框過濾器的金屬殼體采用金屬材質,可以重復使用,這種設計大大降低了用戶的運行費用。三、應用范圍  廣泛應用于化工、電子、金屬加工、煙草、玻璃、制藥、食品加工、凈化室等因生產產生的廢氣或不銹鋼及管道加工、鋁等金屬焊接時產生的含鉛、錫等煙氣、廢氣或粉塵或煙霧處理場所。1. Introduction of equipmentThe purifier is an integrated purification device specially designed for industrial waste gas to deal with smoke and light particles produced in workshop. The core components of the equipment are mainly activated carbon adsorption purification device and electrostatic adsorption, which can effectively remove the harmful substances and pollution particles in the waste gas, and can also degrade various odor and all kinds of toxic and harmful gases produced by various metal processing plants.Two. The principle of workThe equipment has air intake and air outlet ends. The exhaust gas is required to enter the medium effect filter plate through the intake air inlet, and some of the dust or particles in the smoke and dust exhaust are first filtered and intercepted, and the smoke and dust gas enters the first stage honeycomb activated carbon filter of the plate frame to carry out the initial filtration and adsorption. At this time, most of the heavier particles are filtered to the surface of the plate frame filter, and the other odor gas containing fine particles is filtered from the outer surface of the inner surface of the plate frame filter through the activated carbon layer and then into the plate frame type two stage honeycomb activated carbon filter for efficient filtration, adsorption and depth. Purify. At this time, most of the tiny particles and dust are filtered to the surface of the plate frame filter, and the untreated odor gas is filtered from the other surface to the outlet from the outer surface of the inner surface of the plate frame filter. The plate frame type activated carbon filter has two stages in series treatment, which effectively expands the contact area of the exhaust gas to the activated carbon, and greatly improves the effect of the adsorption and purification of the exhaust gas, and then the high voltage electrostatic adsorption is used to deal with it.The initial filtering net plate inside the equipment is fixed in the air inlet position of the equipment. The plate frame filter adopts the drawer style design, and the repair door is set up at the same time, and the plate frame filter can be cleaned, cleaned or replaced. The plate frame filter is installed on the special frame, which consists of a number of activated carbon honeycomb sponges to form a filter unit, forming a multi-level purification unit, and then assembled into a chemical filter section by a number of units. The metal shell of the frame filter is made of metal material and can be reused. This design greatly reduces the operation cost of the user.Three. Application scopeIt is widely used in chemical, electronic, metal processing, tobacco, glass, pharmaceutical, food processing, purification room and other products produced by the production of exhaust gas or stainless steel and pipe processing, aluminum and other metal welding of lead, tin and other flue gas, waste gas or dust or smoke treatment places.

藍謙牌”布袋式除塵凈化器采用無紡布材質,達到不宜損壞和破損等情況。一、產品概述  袋式除塵器是一種干式濾塵裝置。濾料使用一段時間后,由于篩濾、碰撞、滯留、擴散、靜電等效應,濾袋表面積聚了一層粉塵,這層粉塵稱為初層,在此以后的運動過程中,初層成了濾料的主要過濾層,依靠初層的作用,網孔較大的濾料也能獲得較高的過濾效率。隨著粉塵在濾料表面的積聚,除塵器的效率和阻力都相應的增加,當濾料兩側的壓力差很大時,會把有些已附著在濾料上的細小塵粒擠壓過去,使除塵器效率下降。另外,除塵器的阻力過高會使除塵系統的風量顯著下降。因此,除塵器的阻力達到一定數值后,要及時清灰。清灰時不能破壞初層,以免效率下降。二、應用范圍  染料、制藥、塑膠和印刷廠、涂料廠、食品加工、面粉、電子行業、木材加工等領域的液固分離及微細物料回收治理和凈化收集。三、工作原理   當含塵氣體由進風口進入除塵器,首先碰到進出風口中間的斜板及擋板,氣流便轉向進入灰斗,同時氣流速度放慢,在慣性作用下,氣體中粗顆粒粉塵直接沉降到灰斗,起預收塵的作用,氣流隨后折而向上通過內部裝有金屬骨架的濾袋粉塵被捕集在濾袋的外表面,凈化后的氣體進入濾袋室下部清潔室,匯集到出風口排出。含塵氣體通過濾袋凈化的過程中,隨著時間的增加而積附在濾袋上的粉塵越來越多,濾袋阻力增加,致使處理風量逐漸減少,必須對濾袋進行清灰,使積附在濾袋表面的粉塵脫落,濾袋得到再生。清下粉塵落入灰斗,經排灰系統排出機體。由此使積附在濾袋上的粉塵周期地脈沖噴吹清除,使凈化氣體正常通過,保證除塵系統正常工作。四、產品構造  袋式除塵器本體結構主要由上部箱體、中部箱體、下部箱體(灰斗)、清灰系統和排灰機構等部分組成。袋式除塵器性能的好壞,除了正確選擇濾袋材料外,清灰系統對袋式除塵器起著決定性的作用。為此,清灰方法是區分袋式除塵器的特性之一,也是袋式除塵器運行中重要的一環。Him blue card "bag type dust removal purifier adopts non-woven material, not easy to damage and damage to the situation.One、 product overviewBag type dust collector is a kind of dry dust filtering device. Filter used for a period of time, due to the sifting, collision, retention, diffusion, electrostatic and other effects, the bag surface of a layer of dust, this layer of dust known as the first layer, in which the future course of the movement, became the first layer mainly filter layer filter material, rely on the role of the early levels, larger mesh the filter can get a higher filtration efficiency. As the dust on the filter surface accumulation, efficiency and resistance of the dust collector are increased correspondingly, when the filter pressure difference on both sides is large, will put some has attached to small dust particles in the filter on the squeeze in the past, so that the precipitator efficiency decline. In addition, the resistance of the dust collector is too high will make the dust removal system of the wind dropped significantly.Therefore, the dust collector resistance reaches a certain value, to timely cleaning. Cleaning can not be destroyed when the first layer, to avoid reduced efficiency.Two、 the scope of applicationSolid separation we dye, pharmaceutical, plastic and printing factory, paint factory, food processing,flour, electronic industry, wood processing and other fields of liquid and fine material recoverytreatment and purification collection.Three、the principle of workWhen the dust contained gas from the inlet into the dust, met at the air inlet and outlet of theinclined plate and the middle baffle, flow turned into ash hopper, while the air flow speed slow down,under the inertia effect, gas dust settling into the hopper of coarse particles directly, since the role of airflow with dust in advance, after folding to filter bag dust through with internal metal skeletontrapped in the outer surface of the filter bag, purified gas into the filter bag chamber bottom clean room, pool to the discharge outlet. The process of dust containing gas through the filter bagcleaning, along with the increase of time more and more dust deposition in the filter bag, bagresistance increases, causing the air handling gradually reduced, must carry on the cleaning of the bag, so that the product of shedding in the filter bag dust filter bag surface, regeneration. Clear the dust falls into the bucket, the ash discharge system and discharged out of the machine body.Thereby the deposition in the filter bag dust cycle of the pulse jet cleaned, the purification of gaspassed normally, ensure the normal work of the dust removal system.Four,、product structureBody structure of bag type dust collector is mainly composed of an upper box body, a box body, the middle lower case (Hui Dou), the ash cleaning system and ash body parts. Device performance of bag type dust collector is good or bad, in addition to the correct choice of bag material, ash cleaning system plays a decisive role in the bag type dust remover. Therefore, the ash cleaningmethod is one of the characteristics that distinguish bag type dust collector, an important link in the operation is also a bag type dust collector.

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產品特性The characteristics of the product· 設備框架采用不銹鋼和鋁合金材料制作。Equipment frame made of stainless steel and aluminum alloy materials.· 低化學氣體散播的組成材料。The composition of materials, low chemical gas spread.· 低耗能,降低運行成本。And low energy consumption, reduce the operation cost.· 低碳環保And low carbon environmental protection·漸密式的濾材結構,可根據塵埃大小,被阻擋在不同密度的層次, 更有效的容納較多的塵埃And gradually close filter structure type, according to the size of dust, was stopped at differentdensity levels, more effective to accommodate more dust·且阻力低,是深度型的過濾方式。 濾網更具有高透氣性、低壓損、高集塵量之特性。And low resistance, is the depth type filtration. The filter has more high permeability, low losscharacteristics, high dust holding amount.·采用內外熔點高低不同的復合纖維制成,纖維之間的接點牢固、結合緊密,不易脫落。Using composite fiber inside and outside different melting point made, contact between fibers firmly,closely combined, not easy to fall off.·可清洗并重復使用。And can be cleaned and reused.初效空氣過濾棉用途Early efficiency air filter cotton use適用于各種工業用途,如防治污染、空調、電子業、制藥業、食品業等。Applicable to a variety of industrial uses, such as pollution prevention and control, air conditioning,electronic industry, pharmaceutical industry, food industry etc..歡迎廣大客戶盡情選購Welcome customers to buy

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歡迎廣大新老客戶盡情選購Welcome new and old customers to buy服務熱線電話: 021-67758161Service hotline: 021-67758161

歡迎廣大新老客戶盡情選購Welcome new and old customers to buy服務熱線電話: 021-67758161Service hotline: 021-67758161

一、產品概述  袋式除塵器是一種干式濾塵裝置。濾料使用一段時間后,由于篩濾、碰撞、滯留、擴散、靜電等效應,濾袋表面積聚了一層粉塵,這層粉塵稱為初層,在此以后的運動過程中,初層成了濾料的主要過濾層,依靠初層的作用,網孔較大的濾料也能獲得較高的過濾效率。隨著粉塵在濾料表面的積聚,除塵器的效率和阻力都相應的增加,當濾料兩側的壓力差很大時,會把有些已附著在濾料上的細小塵粒擠壓過去,使除塵器效率下降。另外,除塵器的阻力過高會使除塵系統的風量顯著下降。因此,除塵器的阻力達到一定數值后,要及時清灰。清灰時不能破壞初層,以免效率下降。二、應用范圍  染料、制藥、塑膠和印刷廠、涂料廠、食品加工、面粉、電子行業、木材加工等領域的液固分離及微細物料回收治理和凈化收集。三、工作原理   當含塵氣體由進風口進入除塵器,首先碰到進出風口中間的斜板及擋板,氣流便轉向進入灰斗,同時氣流速度放慢,在慣性作用下,氣體中粗顆粒粉塵直接沉降到灰斗,起預收塵的作用,氣流隨后折而向上通過內部裝有金屬骨架的濾袋粉塵被捕集在濾袋的外表面,凈化后的氣體進入濾袋室下部清潔室,匯集到出風口排出。含塵氣體通過濾袋凈化的過程中,隨著時間的增加而積附在濾袋上的粉塵越來越多,濾袋阻力增加,致使處理風量逐漸減少,必須對濾袋進行清灰,使積附在濾袋表面的粉塵脫落,濾袋得到再生。清下粉塵落入灰斗,經排灰系統排出機體。由此使積附在濾袋上的粉塵周期地脈沖噴吹清除,使凈化氣體正常通過,保證除塵系統正常工作。四、產品構造  袋式除塵器本體結構主要由上部箱體、中部箱體、下部箱體(灰斗)、清灰系統和排灰機構等部分組成。袋式除塵器性能的好壞,除了正確選擇濾袋材料外,清灰系統對袋式除塵器起著決定性的作用。為此,清灰方法是區分袋式除塵器的特性之一,也是袋式除塵器運行中重要的一環。Him blue card "bag type dust removal purifier adopts non-woven material, not easy to damage and damage to the situation.One、 product overviewBag type dust collector is a kind of dry dust filtering device. Filter used for a period of time, due to the sifting, collision, retention, diffusion, electrostatic and other effects, the bag surface of a layer of dust, this layer of dust known as the first layer, in which the future course of the movement, became the first layer mainly filter layer filter material, rely on the role of the early levels, larger mesh the filter can get a higher filtration efficiency. As the dust on the filter surface accumulation, efficiency and resistance of the dust collector are increased correspondingly, when the filter pressure difference on both sides is large, will put some has attached to small dust particles in the filter on the squeeze in the past, so that the precipitator efficiency decline. In addition, the resistance of the dust collector is too high will make the dust removal system of the wind dropped significantly.Therefore, the dust collector resistance reaches a certain value, to timely cleaning. Cleaning can not be destroyed when the first layer, to avoid reduced efficiency.Two、 the scope of applicationSolid separation we dye, pharmaceutical, plastic and printing factory, paint factory, food processing,flour, electronic industry, wood processing and other fields of liquid and fine material recoverytreatment and purification collection.Three、the principle of workWhen the dust contained gas from the inlet into the dust, met at the air inlet and outlet of theinclined plate and the middle baffle, flow turned into ash hopper, while the air flow speed slow down,under the inertia effect, gas dust settling into the hopper of coarse particles directly, since the role of airflow with dust in advance, after folding to filter bag dust through with internal metal skeletontrapped in the outer surface of the filter bag, purified gas into the filter bag chamber bottom clean room, pool to the discharge outlet. The process of dust containing gas through the filter bagcleaning, along with the increase of time more and more dust deposition in the filter bag, bagresistance increases, causing the air handling gradually reduced, must carry on the cleaning of the bag, so that the product of shedding in the filter bag dust filter bag surface, regeneration. Clear the dust falls into the bucket, the ash discharge system and discharged out of the machine body.Thereby the deposition in the filter bag dust cycle of the pulse jet cleaned, the purification of gaspassed normally, ensure the normal work of the dust removal system.Four,、product structureBody structure of bag type dust collector is mainly composed of an upper box body, a box body, the middle lower case (Hui Dou), the ash cleaning system and ash body parts. Device performance of bag type dust collector is good or bad, in addition to the correct choice of bag material, ash cleaning system plays a decisive role in the bag type dust remover. Therefore, the ash cleaningmethod is one of the characteristics that distinguish bag type dust collector, an important link in the operation is also a bag type dust collector.

藍謙牌”布袋式除塵凈化器采用無紡布材質,達到不宜損壞和破損等情況。一、產品概述  袋式除塵器是一種干式濾塵裝置。濾料使用一段時間后,由于篩濾、碰撞、滯留、擴散、靜電等效應,濾袋表面積聚了一層粉塵,這層粉塵稱為初層,在此以后的運動過程中,初層成了濾料的主要過濾層,依靠初層的作用,網孔較大的濾料也能獲得較高的過濾效率。隨著粉塵在濾料表面的積聚,除塵器的效率和阻力都相應的增加,當濾料兩側的壓力差很大時,會把有些已附著在濾料上的細小塵粒擠壓過去,使除塵器效率下降。另外,除塵器的阻力過高會使除塵系統的風量顯著下降。因此,除塵器的阻力達到一定數值后,要及時清灰。清灰時不能破壞初層,以免效率下降。二、應用范圍  染料、制藥、塑膠和印刷廠、涂料廠、食品加工、面粉、電子行業、木材加工等領域的液固分離及微細物料回收治理和凈化收集。三、工作原理   當含塵氣體由進風口進入除塵器,首先碰到進出風口中間的斜板及擋板,氣流便轉向進入灰斗,同時氣流速度放慢,在慣性作用下,氣體中粗顆粒粉塵直接沉降到灰斗,起預收塵的作用,氣流隨后折而向上通過內部裝有金屬骨架的濾袋粉塵被捕集在濾袋的外表面,凈化后的氣體進入濾袋室下部清潔室,匯集到出風口排出。含塵氣體通過濾袋凈化的過程中,隨著時間的增加而積附在濾袋上的粉塵越來越多,濾袋阻力增加,致使處理風量逐漸減少,必須對濾袋進行清灰,使積附在濾袋表面的粉塵脫落,濾袋得到再生。清下粉塵落入灰斗,經排灰系統排出機體。由此使積附在濾袋上的粉塵周期地脈沖噴吹清除,使凈化氣體正常通過,保證除塵系統正常工作。四、產品構造  袋式除塵器本體結構主要由上部箱體、中部箱體、下部箱體(灰斗)、清灰系統和排灰機構等部分組成。袋式除塵器性能的好壞,除了正確選擇濾袋材料外,清灰系統對袋式除塵器起著決定性的作用。為此,清灰方法是區分袋式除塵器的特性之一,也是袋式除塵器運行中重要的一環。Him blue card "bag type dust removal purifier adopts non-woven material, not easy to damage and damage to the situation.One、 product overviewBag type dust collector is a kind of dry dust filtering device. Filter used for a period of time, due to the sifting, collision, retention, diffusion, electrostatic and other effects, the bag surface of a layer of dust, this layer of dust known as the first layer, in which the future course of the movement, became the first layer mainly filter layer filter material, rely on the role of the early levels, larger mesh the filter can get a higher filtration efficiency. As the dust on the filter surface accumulation, efficiency and resistance of the dust collector are increased correspondingly, when the filter pressure difference on both sides is large, will put some has attached to small dust particles in the filter on the squeeze in the past, so that the precipitator efficiency decline. In addition, the resistance of the dust collector is too high will make the dust removal system of the wind dropped significantly.Therefore, the dust collector resistance reaches a certain value, to timely cleaning. Cleaning can not be destroyed when the first layer, to avoid reduced efficiency.Two、 the scope of applicationSolid separation we dye, pharmaceutical, plastic and printing factory, paint factory, food processing,flour, electronic industry, wood processing and other fields of liquid and fine material recoverytreatment and purification collection.Three、the principle of workWhen the dust contained gas from the inlet into the dust, met at the air inlet and outlet of theinclined plate and the middle baffle, flow turned into ash hopper, while the air flow speed slow down,under the inertia effect, gas dust settling into the hopper of coarse particles directly, since the role of airflow with dust in advance, after folding to filter bag dust through with internal metal skeletontrapped in the outer surface of the filter bag, purified gas into the filter bag chamber bottom clean room, pool to the discharge outlet. The process of dust containing gas through the filter bagcleaning, along with the increase of time more and more dust deposition in the filter bag, bagresistance increases, causing the air handling gradually reduced, must carry on the cleaning of the bag, so that the product of shedding in the filter bag dust filter bag surface, regeneration. Clear the dust falls into the bucket, the ash discharge system and discharged out of the machine body.Thereby the deposition in the filter bag dust cycle of the pulse jet cleaned, the purification of gaspassed normally, ensure the normal work of the dust removal system.Four,、product structureBody structure of bag type dust collector is mainly composed of an upper box body, a box body, the middle lower case (Hui Dou), the ash cleaning system and ash body parts. Device performance of bag type dust collector is good or bad, in addition to the correct choice of bag material, ash cleaning system plays a decisive role in the bag type dust remover. Therefore, the ash cleaningmethod is one of the characteristics that distinguish bag type dust collector, an important link in the operation is also a bag type dust collector.

一、設備介紹   本凈化器是一款專為工業廢氣專業處理車間因生產產生的煙塵及輕質顆粒而設計的一體化凈化裝置。設備核心部件主要采用活性炭吸附凈化裝置和靜電吸附,既能有效去除廢氣中的有害物質和污染顆粒等,又能降解各種異味和各種含金屬加工廠生產出的有毒有害氣體。二、工作原理   設備有進氣口和出氣口兩端。需生產廢氣經進氣口進入中效過濾網板內,煙塵廢氣中的部分煙塵或顆粒先有過濾網板過濾攔截,而后煙塵廢氣進入板框式一級蜂窩活性炭過濾器進行初效過濾及吸附。此時,大部分的大顆粒較重的粉塵被過濾至板框過濾器表面,其他含有細微顆粒的異味型氣體從板框過濾器的內表面經活性炭層層過濾后由另一外表面排出,匯合后進入板框式二級蜂窩活性炭過濾器進行高效過濾、吸附及深度凈化。此時,大部分的微小顆粒及粉塵被過濾至板框過濾器表面,未處理完的異味性氣體從板框過濾器的內表面經活性炭層層過濾后由另一外表面排出至出風口。板框式活性炭過濾器采用二級串聯處理方式,有效的擴大了廢氣同活性炭接觸面積的同時很大程度的提高了廢氣吸附及凈化效果,再由高壓靜電吸附進行處理。設備內部的初效過濾網板固定在設備的進風口位置,板框過濾器采用抽屜式設計,同時設有檢修門,打開可清理、清洗或更換板框過濾器。板框過濾器安裝在特制的框架上,由若干活性炭蜂窩海綿組成一個過濾單元,形成多級凈化單元,再由若干單元拼裝成化學過濾段。板框過濾器的金屬殼體采用金屬材質,可以重復使用,這種設計大大降低了用戶的運行費用。三、應用范圍  廣泛應用于化工、電子、金屬加工、煙草、玻璃、制藥、食品加工、凈化室等因生產產生的廢氣或不銹鋼及管道加工、鋁等金屬焊接時產生的含鉛、錫等煙氣、廢氣或粉塵或煙霧處理場所。1. Introduction of equipmentThe purifier is an integrated purification device specially designed for industrial waste gas to deal with smoke and light particles produced in workshop. The core components of the equipment are mainly activated carbon adsorption purification device and electrostatic adsorption, which can effectively remove the harmful substances and pollution particles in the waste gas, and can also degrade various odor and all kinds of toxic and harmful gases produced by various metal processing plants.Two. The principle of workThe equipment has air intake and air outlet ends. The exhaust gas is required to enter the medium effect filter plate through the intake air inlet, and some of the dust or particles in the smoke and dust exhaust are first filtered and intercepted, and the smoke and dust gas enters the first stage honeycomb activated carbon filter of the plate frame to carry out the initial filtration and adsorption. At this time, most of the heavier particles are filtered to the surface of the plate frame filter, and the other odor gas containing fine particles is filtered from the outer surface of the inner surface of the plate frame filter through the activated carbon layer and then into the plate frame type two stage honeycomb activated carbon filter for efficient filtration, adsorption and depth. Purify. At this time, most of the tiny particles and dust are filtered to the surface of the plate frame filter, and the untreated odor gas is filtered from the other surface to the outlet from the outer surface of the inner surface of the plate frame filter. The plate frame type activated carbon filter has two stages in series treatment, which effectively expands the contact area of the exhaust gas to the activated carbon, and greatly improves the effect of the adsorption and purification of the exhaust gas, and then the high voltage electrostatic adsorption is used to deal with it.The initial filtering net plate inside the equipment is fixed in the air inlet position of the equipment. The plate frame filter adopts the drawer style design, and the repair door is set up at the same time, and the plate frame filter can be cleaned, cleaned or replaced. The plate frame filter is installed on the special frame, which consists of a number of activated carbon honeycomb sponges to form a filter unit, forming a multi-level purification unit, and then assembled into a chemical filter section by a number of units. The metal shell of the frame filter is made of metal material and can be reused. This design greatly reduces the operation cost of the user.Three. Application scopeIt is widely used in chemical, electronic, metal processing, tobacco, glass, pharmaceutical, food processing, purification room and other products produced by the production of exhaust gas or stainless steel and pipe processing, aluminum and other metal welding of lead, tin and other flue gas, waste gas or dust or smoke treatment places.

一、設備介紹   本凈化器是一款專為工業廢氣專業處理車間因生產產生的煙塵及輕質顆粒而設計的一體化凈化裝置。設備核心部件主要采用活性炭吸附凈化裝置和靜電吸附,既能有效去除廢氣中的有害物質和污染顆粒等,又能降解各種異味和各種含金屬加工廠生產出的有毒有害氣體。二、工作原理   設備有進氣口和出氣口兩端。需生產廢氣經進氣口進入中效過濾網板內,煙塵廢氣中的部分煙塵或顆粒先有過濾網板過濾攔截,而后煙塵廢氣進入板框式一級蜂窩活性炭過濾器進行初效過濾及吸附。此時,大部分的大顆粒較重的粉塵被過濾至板框過濾器表面,其他含有細微顆粒的異味型氣體從板框過濾器的內表面經活性炭層層過濾后由另一外表面排出,匯合后進入板框式二級蜂窩活性炭過濾器進行高效過濾、吸附及深度凈化。此時,大部分的微小顆粒及粉塵被過濾至板框過濾器表面,未處理完的異味性氣體從板框過濾器的內表面經活性炭層層過濾后由另一外表面排出至出風口。板框式活性炭過濾器采用二級串聯處理方式,有效的擴大了廢氣同活性炭接觸面積的同時很大程度的提高了廢氣吸附及凈化效果,再由高壓靜電吸附進行處理。設備內部的初效過濾網板固定在設備的進風口位置,板框過濾器采用抽屜式設計,同時設有檢修門,打開可清理、清洗或更換板框過濾器。板框過濾器安裝在特制的框架上,由若干活性炭蜂窩海綿組成一個過濾單元,形成多級凈化單元,再由若干單元拼裝成化學過濾段。板框過濾器的金屬殼體采用金屬材質,可以重復使用,這種設計大大降低了用戶的運行費用。三、應用范圍  廣泛應用于化工、電子、金屬加工、煙草、玻璃、制藥、食品加工、凈化室等因生產產生的廢氣或不銹鋼及管道加工、鋁等金屬焊接時產生的含鉛、錫等煙氣、廢氣或粉塵或煙霧處理場所。1. Introduction of equipmentThe purifier is an integrated purification device specially designed for industrial waste gas to deal with smoke and light particles produced in workshop. The core components of the equipment are mainly activated carbon adsorption purification device and electrostatic adsorption, which can effectively remove the harmful substances and pollution particles in the waste gas, and can also degrade various odor and all kinds of toxic and harmful gases produced by various metal processing plants.Two. The principle of workThe equipment has air intake and air outlet ends. The exhaust gas is required to enter the medium effect filter plate through the intake air inlet, and some of the dust or particles in the smoke and dust exhaust are first filtered and intercepted, and the smoke and dust gas enters the first stage honeycomb activated carbon filter of the plate frame to carry out the initial filtration and adsorption. At this time, most of the heavier particles are filtered to the surface of the plate frame filter, and the other odor gas containing fine particles is filtered from the outer surface of the inner surface of the plate frame filter through the activated carbon layer and then into the plate frame type two stage honeycomb activated carbon filter for efficient filtration, adsorption and depth. Purify. At this time, most of the tiny particles and dust are filtered to the surface of the plate frame filter, and the untreated odor gas is filtered from the other surface to the outlet from the outer surface of the inner surface of the plate frame filter. The plate frame type activated carbon filter has two stages in series treatment, which effectively expands the contact area of the exhaust gas to the activated carbon, and greatly improves the effect of the adsorption and purification of the exhaust gas, and then the high voltage electrostatic adsorption is used to deal with it.The initial filtering net plate inside the equipment is fixed in the air inlet position of the equipment. The plate frame filter adopts the drawer style design, and the repair door is set up at the same time, and the plate frame filter can be cleaned, cleaned or replaced. The plate frame filter is installed on the special frame, which consists of a number of activated carbon honeycomb sponges to form a filter unit, forming a multi-level purification unit, and then assembled into a chemical filter section by a number of units. The metal shell of the frame filter is made of metal material and can be reused. This design greatly reduces the operation cost of the user.Three. Application scopeIt is widely used in chemical, electronic, metal processing, tobacco, glass, pharmaceutical, food processing, purification room and other products produced by the production of exhaust gas or stainless steel and pipe processing, aluminum and other metal welding of lead, tin and other flue gas, waste gas or dust or smoke treatment places.

一、產品介紹“藍謙牌”靜電復合式油霧凈化器設備具有過載保護、缺相保護、漏電保護等功能。高壓電源具有電場打火自動斷電保護功能。設備運行穩定、易操作。二、產品用途適用于CNC數控車床、清洗機、外圓、平面磨床、滾齒、銑床和插齒機床、真空泵、噴霧試驗室、電火花加工、數控加工中心等工作場所產生的油霧汽體進行凈化器處理和儲存的處理。三、工作原理A、吸入和霧狀物和粉塵進入油霧過濾器首先與慣性碰撞板下撞后 落下,由一次過濾器將大顆粒的霧狀物除去。B、進入二、三次過濾器的小顆粒霧裝物在葉輪的作用下粗粒化,提高下一步濾網的過濾效果。C、三次過濾網為高效濾網,能較好的濾去細小的油霧。四、設備好處機床油霧凈化器能將機床切削時所霧化的那部分乳化劑回收再利用,降低其損耗。具體的回收效益數據,要看機床產生霧狀物的程度,一般來說,霧狀物的濃度越高,回收效益越好。油霧直接排放在空調車間內,會降低并損害空調能效,大幅增加空調使用費用;如果將油霧排向室外,不僅會破壞環境(影響企業的社會形象,還又可能被環保部門處罰),而且有可能制造火災隱患,導致財產的意外損失等等;One、Product introduction"Him blue card" electrostatic composite type oil mist purifier device with overload protection, phase lack protection, leakage protection function. High voltage power supply with electric spark automaticpower-off protection function. Equipment operation is stable, easy to operate.Two、The purpose of the productDealing with the application of oil mist vapour on the CNC CNC lathe, cleaning machine, cylindrical,surface grinder, milling machine, hobbing and shaping machine, vacuum pump, spray test chamber,EDM, CNC machining centers and other places of work to produce cleaner processing and storage.Three、Working principleA, inhalation and mist and dust to enter the oil mist filter firstly and inertial impaction plate hit after the fall, by the first filter will mist removal of large particles.B, into small particles of fog two or three filter packages in the impeller under the action of the coarse grain, improving the result of filtering the next screen.C, three filters for efficient filter, can be better to filter the fine oil mist.Four、Equipment advantageMachine tool oil mist purifier can be recovered part of the emulsifier atomization machine toolcutting reuse, reduce the loss. Benefits of recycling concrete data, to see the machine produce mistdegree, generally speaking, the higher the concentration of mist, recovery efficiency and better. Oil mist discharge directly in air conditioning workshop, will be reduced and damage the air-conditioning energy efficiency, a substantial increase in the use of air conditioning costs; if the oil mist to outside, will not only damage the environment (affects the social image, also may be the environmental protection departments punishment), but also have the possibility to manufacture fire hidden trouble, resulting in property loss accident;

一、產品介紹“藍謙牌”靜電復合式油霧凈化器設備具有過載保護、缺相保護、漏電保護等功能。高壓電源具有電場打火自動斷電保護功能。設備運行穩定、易操作。二、產品用途適用于CNC數控車床、清洗機、外圓、平面磨床、滾齒、銑床和插齒機床、真空泵、噴霧試驗室、電火花加工、數控加工中心等工作場所產生的油霧汽體進行凈化器處理和儲存的處理。三、工作原理A、吸入和霧狀物和粉塵進入油霧過濾器首先與慣性碰撞板下撞后 落下,由一次過濾器將大顆粒的霧狀物除去。B、進入二、三次過濾器的小顆粒霧裝物在葉輪的作用下粗粒化,提高下一步濾網的過濾效果。C、三次過濾網為高效濾網,能較好的濾去細小的油霧。四、設備好處機床油霧凈化器能將機床切削時所霧化的那部分乳化劑回收再利用,降低其損耗。具體的回收效益數據,要看機床產生霧狀物的程度,一般來說,霧狀物的濃度越高,回收效益越好。油霧直接排放在空調車間內,會降低并損害空調能效,大幅增加空調使用費用;如果將油霧排向室外,不僅會破壞環境(影響企業的社會形象,還又可能被環保部門處罰),而且有可能制造火災隱患,導致財產的意外損失等等;One、Product introduction"Him blue card" electrostatic composite type oil mist purifier device with overload protection, phase lack protection, leakage protection function. High voltage power supply with electric spark automaticpower-off protection function. Equipment operation is stable, easy to operate.Two、The purpose of the productDealing with the application of oil mist vapour on the CNC CNC lathe, cleaning machine, cylindrical,surface grinder, milling machine, hobbing and shaping machine, vacuum pump, spray test chamber,EDM, CNC machining centers and other places of work to produce cleaner processing and storage.Three、Working principleA, inhalation and mist and dust to enter the oil mist filter firstly and inertial impaction plate hit after the fall, by the first filter will mist removal of large particles.B, into small particles of fog two or three filter packages in the impeller under the action of the coarse grain, improving the result of filtering the next screen.C, three filters for efficient filter, can be better to filter the fine oil mist.Four、Equipment advantageMachine tool oil mist purifier can be recovered part of the emulsifier atomization machine toolcutting reuse, reduce the loss. Benefits of recycling concrete data, to see the machine produce mistdegree, generally speaking, the higher the concentration of mist, recovery efficiency and better. Oil mist discharge directly in air conditioning workshop, will be reduced and damage the air-conditioning energy efficiency, a substantial increase in the use of air conditioning costs; if the oil mist to outside, will not only damage the environment (affects the social image, also may be the environmental protection departments punishment), but also have the possibility to manufacture fire hidden trouble, resulting in property loss accident;

產品特性The characteristics of the product· 設備框架采用不銹鋼和鋁合金材料制作。Equipment frame made of stainless steel and aluminum alloy materials.· 低化學氣體散播的組成材料。The composition of materials, low chemical gas spread.· 低耗能,降低運行成本。And low energy consumption, reduce the operation cost.· 低碳環保And low carbon environmental protection·漸密式的濾材結構,可根據塵埃大小,被阻擋在不同密度的層次, 更有效的容納較多的塵埃And gradually close filter structure type, according to the size of dust, was stopped at differentdensity levels, more effective to accommodate more dust·且阻力低,是深度型的過濾方式。 濾網更具有高透氣性、低壓損、高集塵量之特性。And low resistance, is the depth type filtration. The filter has more high permeability, low losscharacteristics, high dust holding amount.·采用內外熔點高低不同的復合纖維制成,纖維之間的接點牢固、結合緊密,不易脫落。Using composite fiber inside and outside different melting point made, contact between fibers firmly,closely combined, not easy to fall off.·可清洗并重復使用。And can be cleaned and reused.初效空氣過濾棉用途Early efficiency air filter cotton use適用于各種工業用途,如防治污染、空調、電子業、制藥業、食品業等。Applicable to a variety of industrial uses, such as pollution prevention and control, air conditioning,electronic industry, pharmaceutical industry, food industry etc..歡迎廣大客戶盡情選購Welcome customers to buy

一、設備介紹  設備主要用于廚房油煙凈化治理。“藍謙牌”油煙凈化產品的凈化原理采用了目前國際***的環保技術,具有處理油煙排放濃度、除味、殺菌、消毒、凈化空氣等作用。此產品的油煙凈化率達到或超過GB18483-2001要求的。二、設備用途 適用于賓館、飯館、酒家、餐廳以及學校、機關、工廠等場所;食品油炸、烹任加工行業等加工場合。  三、工作原理  油煙經過煙罩及排風管道,由進風口經過金屬過濾網油煙被阻擋均分流進入電場極板,在靜電高壓電場作用下,油煙顆粒被荷電,帶荷電油粒,通過靜電高壓電場時向收集電極板聚集,從油煙氣中被分離,微小的油煙顆粒在自身重力作用下附到集體的油盤上通過排油閥門排出。四、產品特點  1、選型方便:模塊單元可以靈活組合,根據不同的凈化處理量及凈化率要求,單元數量可作適應性調整。  2、油煙凈化效率高:采用機械法過濾和高壓電場相結合。  3、設備清洗維護方便:模塊單元組合,重量分等,抽拉式設計。  4、安裝簡便:安裝更簡化 將設備同風管連接,通電即可。  5、可選變頻控制技術:使設備電機能變速運行,根據工作量調整轉速,實現節能減排。  6、安全穩定:設備具有過載保護,高壓電源具有電場打火自動斷電保護功能。設備運行穩定、易操作。  7、美觀大方:外形美觀,全體采用環保烤漆。One、Equipment introductionThe equipment is mainly used for kitchen lampblack purification governance."purification principlehim blue card" fume purification products using the current international most advancedenvironmental protection technology, has a processing fume emission concentration, odor removal,sterilization, disinfection, air purification function. The products of the fume purification rate reaches or exceeds the requirements of GB18483-2001.Two、Application of the equipmentApply to hotels, restaurants, restaurant, restaurants, schools, offices, factories and other places;friedfood, cooking processing occasions processing industries.Three、Working principleAfter being treated by the exhaust duct, is composed of an air inlet through the metal filter smokeblocked were streaming into the field plate, in the electrostatic high voltage electric field, fumeparticles are charged with electric charge, oil particle, by electrostatic high voltage electric field to the collecting electrode plates gathered, is separated from the oil smoke, soot particles tinyattached to collective pan through oil discharge valve discharge under the self gravity action.Four、Product features1, the selection of convenient: module unit can be flexibly combined, according to the different amount of purification treatment and purification rate requirements, unit number can be adapted.2, fume purification efficiency is high: the use of mechanical filtration and high voltage electric fieldcombined.3, the device is convenient for cleaning and maintenance: module unit combination, weightclassification, pull type design.4, convenient installation: the installation of more simplified the equipment with the wind pipeconnection, energized.5, optional frequency conversion control technology: equipment motor variable speed operation,adjust the speed according to the workload, realize energy saving and emission reduction.6, security and stability: device with overload protection, high voltage power supply with electricspark automatic power-off protection function. Equipment operation is stable, easy to operate.7, appearance: appearance, all use environmentally friendly paint..

一、產品概述  主要利用特制的高能高臭氧UV紫外線光束照射廢氣,裂解工業廢氣如:氨、三甲胺、硫化氫、甲硫氫、甲硫醇、甲硫醚、乙酸丁酯、乙酸乙酯、二甲二硫、二硫化 碳和苯乙烯、硫化物H2S,VOC類、苯、甲苯、二甲苯的分子鏈結構,使有機或無機高分子惡臭化合物的分子鏈在高能紫外線的光束的照射下降解轉變成低分子 化合物,利用高能高臭氧UV紫外線光束分解空氣中的氧分子及水分子產生游離氧(活性氧)和OH自由基,因游離氧和所攜正負電子不平衡所以需與氧分子結合,進而產生臭氧。眾所周知臭氧對有機物具有極強的氧化作用,對工業廢氣及其它刺激性異味有立竿見影的清除效果。二、應用范圍  油墨印刷、造紙業、制藥業、食品業、輪胎及橡膠生產廠、汽車生產廠、油漆噴涂廠、污水處理廠、垃圾處理廠、皮革廠、印染廠、香料生產業、飼料及飼養場、農藥生產以及煙草業等多個領域的異味和惡臭處理。三、性能優勢1、 高效除惡臭:能高效去除揮發性有機物(VOC),無機物、硫化氫、氨氣、硫醇類等主要污染物,以及各種惡臭氣體,脫臭效率**可達99%以上。                      2、無需添加任何物質:只需要設置相應的排風管道和排風動力,使惡臭、工業廢氣通過本設備進行脫臭分解凈化。3、適應性強:光氧催化廢氣處理設備可適應高濃度、大氣量、不同工業廢氣的脫臭、凈化處理。可每天24小時連續工作,運行穩定可靠。                                       4、光氧催化廢氣處理無噪聲、能耗低、風阻低、占地面積小、自重輕、適合于布置緊湊、場地特殊等情況。First, product overviewThe main use of special high-energy high ozone UV ultraviolet light beams of waste gas, pyrolysis industrial waste gases such as ammonia, trimethylamine, hydrogen sulfide, methyl thiohydrin, methionine, methionine, butyl acetate, ethyl acetate, two a two sulfur, carbon disulfide, styrene, sulfide H2S, VOC, benzene, toluene, xylene and molecular chain structure, The molecular chain of organic or inorganic polymer malodorous compounds can be degraded into low molecular compounds under the irradiation of high energy ultraviolet light beams, and the oxygen molecules and water molecules in the air are decomposed into free oxygen (active oxygen) and OH radicals by high energy high ozone UV ultraviolet light beams. It is necessary to combine with oxygen molecules to produce ozone. UV+O2---O_+O* (active oxygen) +O2---O3 (ozone), it is known that ozone has a very strong oxidation of organic matter, and has an immediate clearance effect on industrial waste gas and other irritating odors.Two. Application scopeInk printing, paper making, pharmaceutical industry, food industry, tire and rubber production plant, automobile production plant, paint and spraying plant, sewage treatment plant, waste treatment plant, leather factory, printing and dyeing plant, spice industry, feed and feeder, pesticide production and tobacco industry and other odor treatment and odor treatmentThree, performance advantage1, efficient removal of odor: efficient removal of volatile organic compounds (VOC), inorganic substances, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, thiol and other major pollutants, as well as a variety of odor gas, deodorizing efficiency up to up to 99%.2, no need to add any material: only need to set the corresponding exhaust pipe and exhaust power, so that the odor, industrial waste gas through this equipment deodorization decomposition purification.3. Strong adaptability: photocatalytic waste gas treatment equipment can be used for deodorization and purification of high concentration, atmospheric quantity and different industrial waste gases. It can work continuously 24 hours a day, and runs stably and reliably.4, photocatalytic catalytic waste gas treatment has no noise, low energy consumption, low wind resistance, small occupied area, light weight, suitable for compact layout, special site and so on.

一、產品概述  主要利用特制的高能高臭氧UV紫外線光束照射廢氣,裂解工業廢氣如:氨、三甲胺、硫化氫、甲硫氫、甲硫醇、甲硫醚、乙酸丁酯、乙酸乙酯、二甲二硫、二硫化 碳和苯乙烯、硫化物H2S,VOC類、苯、甲苯、二甲苯的分子鏈結構,使有機或無機高分子惡臭化合物的分子鏈在高能紫外線的光束的照射下降解轉變成低分子 化合物,利用高能高臭氧UV紫外線光束分解空氣中的氧分子及水分子產生游離氧(活性氧)和OH自由基,因游離氧和所攜正負電子不平衡所以需與氧分子結合,進而產生臭氧。眾所周知臭氧對有機物具有極強的氧化作用,對工業廢氣及其它刺激性異味有立竿見影的清除效果。二、應用范圍  油墨印刷、造紙業、制藥業、食品業、輪胎及橡膠生產廠、汽車生產廠、油漆噴涂廠、污水處理廠、垃圾處理廠、皮革廠、印染廠、香料生產業、飼料及飼養場、農藥生產以及煙草業等多個領域的異味和惡臭處理。三、性能優勢1、 高效除惡臭:能高效去除揮發性有機物(VOC),無機物、硫化氫、氨氣、硫醇類等主要污染物,以及各種惡臭氣體,脫臭效率**可達99%以上。                      2、無需添加任何物質:只需要設置相應的排風管道和排風動力,使惡臭、工業廢氣通過本設備進行脫臭分解凈化。3、適應性強:光氧催化廢氣處理設備可適應高濃度、大氣量、不同工業廢氣的脫臭、凈化處理。可每天24小時連續工作,運行穩定可靠。                                       4、光氧催化廢氣處理無噪聲、能耗低、風阻低、占地面積小、自重輕、適合于布置緊湊、場地特殊等情況。First, product overviewThe main use of special high-energy high ozone UV ultraviolet light beams of waste gas, pyrolysis industrial waste gases such as ammonia, trimethylamine, hydrogen sulfide, methyl thiohydrin, methionine, methionine, butyl acetate, ethyl acetate, two a two sulfur, carbon disulfide, styrene, sulfide H2S, VOC, benzene, toluene, xylene and molecular chain structure, The molecular chain of organic or inorganic polymer malodorous compounds can be degraded into low molecular compounds under the irradiation of high energy ultraviolet light beams, and the oxygen molecules and water molecules in the air are decomposed into free oxygen (active oxygen) and OH radicals by high energy high ozone UV ultraviolet light beams. It is necessary to combine with oxygen molecules to produce ozone. UV+O2---O_+O* (active oxygen) +O2---O3 (ozone), it is known that ozone has a very strong oxidation of organic matter, and has an immediate clearance effect on industrial waste gas and other irritating odors.Two. Application scopeInk printing, paper making, pharmaceutical industry, food industry, tire and rubber production plant, automobile production plant, paint and spraying plant, sewage treatment plant, waste treatment plant, leather factory, printing and dyeing plant, spice industry, feed and feeder, pesticide production and tobacco industry and other odor treatment and odor treatmentThree, performance advantage1, efficient removal of odor: efficient removal of volatile organic compounds (VOC), inorganic substances, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, thiol and other major pollutants, as well as a variety of odor gas, deodorizing efficiency up to up to 99%.2, no need to add any material: only need to set the corresponding exhaust pipe and exhaust power, so that the odor, industrial waste gas through this equipment deodorization decomposition purification.3. Strong adaptability: photocatalytic waste gas treatment equipment can be used for deodorization and purification of high concentration, atmospheric quantity and different industrial waste gases. It can work continuously 24 hours a day, and runs stably and reliably.4, photocatalytic catalytic waste gas treatment has no noise, low energy consumption, low wind resistance, small occupied area, light weight, suitable for compact layout, special site and so on.

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